Last year I went for a walk around these old apartment buildings in Seoul that were in a total state of ruin, but still had people living in them with families and cars. I was curious and wanted to check it out. I also ended up walking around town a bit shooting some cinemagraphs. I have been looking for a good way to get them to work online for cheap or free and finally found a good solution, so I’m finally uploading these to my website and ditching the awful gif format. Enjoy!
NOTE If these aren’t playing, and you’re on chrome, it’s because chrome arbitrarily decides to not autoplay videos sometimes. To fix that go to chrome://flags/#autoplay-policy in your browser and set the autoplay policy to “No user gesture is required” and then everything should play!
I’m really excited I found a way to have these up without a video player showing so that it really has that moving image feeling. Looking to be making more of these, as well as uploading a few more that I made in the past!